Lincoln PD Public Service Announcement 2-5-2024


Last night’s storm left its mark, and we want to keep you informed about the ongoing situation. Please be advised that more storms are expected, so let’s stay vigilant and prepared.

🚧 Safety First:
Report Issues: If you come across clogged storm drains or downed trees, please report them promptly to the Public Works Hotline at 916.434.2450.

Sandbags Available: Sandbags are available at Twelve Bridges Library, Joiner Park, and McBean Park. Residents are limited to 25 bags each. Don’t forget to bring your own shovel.

💡 Power Outages:
Current Status: Power remains out in certain areas of Lincoln. For an estimated restoration time, visit PG&E’s website.

🚦 Traffic and Safety Measures:
Stop Sign Barricades: Due to power loss, stop sign barricades have been deployed at affected intersections. If flashing red, rest assured that we are actively working to restore normal operations.

🗑️ Solid Waste Services:
Proceeding as Normal: Good news! Solid waste services are proceeding as normal. Solid Waste drivers are working diligently to pick up any stray trash cans. If you can, please lend a hand by standing them back up to make the collection process smoother.

In case of windy conditions, the day before your service, kindly refrain from putting out your trash cans until the day of, just before 6AM. This precaution helps prevent any unintended trash can adventures.

Your safety is our top priority, and we appreciate your cooperation. Stay tuned for further updates, and remember, community support makes us stronger in the face of challenges.

#LincolnCommunity #StormUpdate #SafetyFirst #StayInformed 🌐🔧

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